Thursday, May 23, 2013


Your son or daughter has received his or her report that they wrote on Bats. This was sent home tonight (May 23). On this report you will notice that there are blue and yellow highlights on the rubric. The blue highlights represent the first mark that your child recieved on this report.  At the bottom of the report you will find my comments to your child regarding his or her strengths as well as a question and next step. This mark and feedback was given to each child independently and orally. They then had time to go back and try and improve right after the oral feedback.  The new improvements were looked at and the report was remarked. This is why there is yellow on the rubric and the comment at the top relates to the changes.  I hope this clarifies things.
Miss. Chittle

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Upcoming Tests


Another Science Unit, on Life Systems, is being completed.  Your child will be tested on their current learning within this week or early next week.

Everyone Should Know, and will be testing on The Following:
How humans help and harm living things
The needs of all living things

Grade 1's Will also be tested on:
Living and Non-living things
What plants need in order to survive
Five Senses and the body parts that are used for this sense. For example, Hearing is a sense and we use our ears to hear.
Body Parts and their importance (both internal and external)

Grade 2's will also be tested on:
Ways animals help and harm humans
Life Cycle of a frog, chick, or butterfly
The different animal groups, characteristics / definition and examples of animals in this animal group


There will be a math test for both grades on Friday May 17.  A review is being completed in class with both Grades on Wednesday and Thursday this week. The students will need to be able to add, subtract and solve problem solving questions.  The Grade Ones will also be expected to create their own problem solving questions. The review package will be sent home on Thursday night.