Monday, March 18, 2013

Mini Language / Daily 5 Lessons

In language for the past month your child has been learning about vowels (both long and short). This will not only help them with their writing but also with their reading.  Some activities that we have done in class which can also be done at school are the following:
- build words with scrabble letters and sort them into categories (long and short vowels, long a and short a, long e and short e, etc.)
- Write words that have long and short vowels and sort them into their categories.
- Find long and short vowel words in books and underline the vowels in the words

We have also been working on periods and capitals and fixing them in our afternoon messages.

Below is a picture of a class chart that we generated together to review what letters should look like when we are writing.  When your child is practicing writing at home, review their writing and take a look at how their lowercase letters look.
Some letter stay in the middle of the line and touches the bottom, like the a. Other letters , like the b, touch the very top of the line and the bottom too.  Finally, there are some lowercase letters that go below the bottom line.
Word family words has also been an ongoing language lesson during our afternoon messages.  We have created a list of word family words that fall under the "all" category like call and ball, the "an" family, and the "in" family.